Since it first opened a couple of years ago, the Showboat poker room has been one of the prettiest poker rooms in the country. It now looks even better.
Showboat recently moved their House of Blues poker room from upstairs across from the music hall, to the main casino floor in the House of Blues gaming area behind the Spirit bar. The new poker room is more spacious and has windows with a view of the boardwalk.
I was concerned about the move. The old room had bathrooms next door and a cashier's cage in the poker room. For the new room both are on the far wall, but not too far away. The added beauty and space make up for the extra walk to the cage, and about the same distance for the bathrooms.
I was also concerned about the noise level, but the poker room seems clear of the slot machines that don't stop making noise. There are the kids that like to hit the windows as they walk by, but I'm happy it is quiet.
I had my misgivings when they announced the move, but I am happy with the new room. Very happy.